Life-saving skills for Maternal Care

On December 2nd and 3rd, 2024, an Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Training was held at Kasanje Health Centre III, aimed at equipping healthcare workers from Kasanje and Butoolo Health Centre IIIs with critical life-saving skills. Its under the 7 by 7 global grant No GG2239684 Principal club RC Kampala Ssese Islands and Kampala Metropolitan implementing The training brought together 13 participants, including midwives, clinical officers, and nursing assistants. They gained essential knowledge in key areas such as postpartum hemorrhage management, handling pre-eclampsia, and neonatal resuscitation techniques. Delivered through a combination of lectures, discussions, experience-sharing, and simulations, the training ensured a practical and engaging learning experience. Pre-test and post-test evaluations measured the knowledge gained, highlighting the effectiveness of the program. Participants left the training with updated protocols for managing maternal and neonatal emergencies.

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